Savitri 11th June 2013 Written Episode

Ananda Savitri, especialmente pra vc ! não é lindo?
mas é bem gay, né não?
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What Hindus Should Do - Part I

By K.V. Paliwal, Ph.D

One, who is not proud of his honour and his Nation is not a man, but a male-animal and a Dead.

Problems Confronting the Hindus

The Hindus have a basic, unbreakable, cultural unity, though residing in different parts of India, speaking different languages and dialects and sporting various life styles. It is because of their association with Vedic Dharma and culture since times immemorial. But today, the Hindus are standing on the brink of disaster. They have been reduced to as a second rate citizen due to wilful disregard to their political, social and religious interests in post- independent India. Most of the Hindu political leaders themselves, on one hand, are discriminating against the Hindus in the name of secularism, and on the other, they are not -taking cognisance of religious conversions of Hindus in the pretext of Freedom of Religion and indulging in the appeasement of the minorities for their vote bank.

They are also facilitating divisions and subdivisions of the Hindus in the guise of safeguarding the community, linguistic and regional culture; and are depriving them of their religious education by posing constitutional constraints. Not only this, the Hindu religious leaders themselves, instead of nourishing the roots of integrated and comprehensive Hindu Dharma-tree, are watering only its leaves and branchies, their sects and sub-sects for the advancement of their own personal and sectarian interests. Consequently the grand oak tree of Hindu Dharma is drying up and withering away. As opposed to it, the anti-Hindu national and inter-national forces appear to be determined to finish off the Hindus, their Dharma, culture and everything for which they can be proud of.

At the national front, the Hindus are facing a serious challenge to their very survival from Islam and Christianity due to their Hindu conversion activities by petro dollars, their rapid population explosion, illegal Muslim migration in India, appeasement of minorities and anti-Hindu attitude of Post Independence governments and distorting of history and culture of the Hindus through press and electronic media. Frankly speaking, what could not be achieved during the Islamic and British Rule, has been accomplished in the last few years. Kashmiri Hindus have been forced to the refugee's status in their own country while illegal foreign Muslim migrants from Bangladesh are being treated as honoured guests providing them all facilities and privileges. Kashmiri Hindus are suffering and being tortured simply because they resisted to conversion to Islam and decided to remain Hindu. Hence to be a Hindu is a curse in Hindusthan. Even after losing one-third territory of India to Pakistan and Bangladesh and slaughtering of lakhs of Hindus during Partition, the Hindus are unable to live without peace, security and dignity in the remaining truncated India, and are still under persistent threat of their annihilation.

On the international plane, some of the powerful nations are committed to weaken the predominantly Hindu India from political, social and religious angles. Earlier (I 947-1992), the America played the role of being India's friend so that the latter does not place itself completely into the Communist Block. But after the disintegration of the mighty U.S.S.R. in 1992, such a possibility has come to an end. And today the American policy is to shackle and shalter, and possibly enslave India, through its division and sub-divisions into smaller states on religious and linguistic basis. The American politicians and administrators continue issuing everyday new and confusing statements on issues related to India. For Instance in Oct. 1993, the Asstt. Secretary of State, Mrs. Rabin Raphael said, "Jammu & Kashmir is a disputed area". Recently (TOI Delhi- 6.12.97) U.S. President Bill Clinton 'has clubbed India with trouble spots like Bosnia and Northern Ireland as regions beset with hatred, murders problems and wars' '

America learnt a big lesson from the Vietnam war: do not fight directly on the alien soil; rather wreck it from within as it did in case of Russia. It is trying to disintegrate India through a long term conspiracy. America is not a friend of India, and wants India to remain limited to the size of American designs by all means. The objectives of wrecking India by American lobby are being achieved through the various activities as conversion of religion of Hindus by about 2500 foreign Christian Missionaries, their political Missions, multinational companies (MNC's) and their print and electronic media. Economically it has crippled India by giving loans disproportionate to its capacity to repay and now it wants to scuttle the advancement of Indian Industry through the, establishment of a large number of huge multinational companies in India even in the field of daily consumption goods. MNC's once entered, will not allow the Indian industry to grow and prosper at any cost and will also not leave the country despite of being proved undesirable, due to international lobby and ineffective resistance to them by our leaders for various reasons. The subversive and sabotage activities as per their plans are going unabated, and this has crippled social, religious and political life of India. They have sown the seeds of separatism in various forms endangering national unity, distorted Indian culture and bedimmed national spirit Now the situation is reaching fast at a point of no return, and we are watching helplessly our self destruction.

We are of considered opinion that our own national policies and activities of the foreigners and some of the politicians are destructive for India; and the next 10-1 5 years are very crucial and decisive for the future of Hindus and India as a whole. Now therefore, the nationalists and particularly the Hindus will themselves have to put

up concerted efforts to fight against both the domestic and foreign conspiracies for their own existence as well as for their Dharma and culture. For this, various social, political, educational and religious organizations committed to the cause of nationalism and Hindu awakening will have to generate a strong political force; bring about constructive social changes; stop conversion of the Hindus and revive the pure Hindu Dharma on the lines as proclaimed by Swami Vivekanand earlier. The Hindus should work out and execute an exhaustive, multi-disciplinary social reform oriented action plan for awakening, consolidating and creating a unique Hindu strength, and boldly face the economic, social, political and religious challenges ahead. Some of the areas of activity of our action plan are as follows:-

l. Be Proud to be a Hindu

Swami Vivekanand calls upon the Hindus to take 'pride in being a Hindu'and says, "When a man has begun to be ashamed of his ancestors, the end has come. Here am 1, one of the least of the Hindu race, yet proud of my race, proud of my ancestor. I am proud to call myself a Hindu, I am proud that I am one of your unworthy servants. / am proud that I am a countryman of yours, you the descendents of the sages, you the descendents of the most glorious Rishis one world eversaw." Hence take pride in being a Hindu and dedicate everything for its honour.

2. Be Fearless

Only strong will power coupled with fearlessness protects himself and his nation; and a Hindu is born fearless as his Atman never dies. So be brave, be fearless, be prepared for a drastic change, and be a man of dynamic heroism, take a vow to defend the nation'(fif.z *nu 4tuv) as 'the world belongs to the brave.'

Give up the fake, impractical and irrational non-violence of Gandhi because that pseudo non-violence is not a part of Hindu Dharma. Under all circumstances, belief in non-violence is cowardice; it is suicidal. To struggle like a brave for one's self-respect is a sanctimonious fight. How can the Hindu be afraid of with a staunch faith in rebirth for the defence of motherland? India at present is passing through a stage of ethnic, religious and political turmoil. In this critical juncture and period of testimony, the Hindu has to stand firm. So be fearless, and remain united in order to face the current political challenges for your own survival.

3. Regain Ancient Glory

Hindus can draw immense inspiration from their ancient history, culture and scriptures. Savitri Devi says 'As long as all Hindus do not feel that the glory of Hindudom is their glory, and its artistic, cultural and spiritual inheritance their own treasure, there will be no united Hindu consciousness, no common aim, no common interest, no common enthusiasm, no common love, no solidarity among the Hindus and no hope for Hindudom - ----- Let such a new atmosphere be created in the Hindudom, that every Hindu fisherman may feel that Vyas Deva's Mahabharat is also his, and be proud of it and of its author Then Hindudom willbe one and strong". (A Warning to the Hindus,p.94)

In the same tune, Vedas also inspire their followers. According to Rig Veda ,4-4.26.2 "God gave this land to the Aryans" and exhorted them to "turn the whole world into Arya "( RV. 9.63.5). Therefore, "they should perform their heroic deeds as they did earlier "(121.5). "By the dedication, strength and expertise, this nation had grown stronger.' "(19.41.1). Therefore, like the Aryans earlier, their progeny- the present Hindus should not only defend this great humanitarian Vedic Dharma but also expand and establish the same in the whole world. They should be proud of their Dharma, cultural heritage and ancestors for the enrichment of worldly wealth, and achievements of psychological, philosophical and spiritual developments. Think for a moment. Had they not engaged themselves in the struggles against the aggressors and made exemplary sacrifices in the past, then there would not have been today either the Hindus or Hindusthan which has survived, though in a truncated form against continuous atrocities on them during the last twelve hundred years of Muslim and British rule. Even nc@iv the Islamic forces are wrecking the Hindusthan within in a different way and planning to .1slamise India, but Hindus appear to be unconcerned to it. They should rather be vigilant and regain the old glory by all possible efforts and sacrifices.

4. Capture Political Power

According to Mahabharat "The political duty of the people towards the state is greater than any other duty "(Sarve Dharma Raj Dharma Pradhana). This is as true today as it was in the past because political power along with legal and strong military force is everything in the present world. A religion becomes stronger with the increase of its followers which automatically increase with political power in the hand of their followers. Superior philosophy, morality and spirituality have little place in life if the political power rests with the people of opposite views and customs. Where is the Vedic philosophy of the Hindus who were left out in Pakistan in 1947? They have either been converted to Islam or killed or living a degraded life of slaves as they have no say in political power and legal matters. Undoubtedly the religious urge organizes its followers. But a greater inspiring force is patriotism and nationalism which is heart throbs in a man's inner most soul. The Hindus have always accepted this Vedic dictum- "Beware! Let your nation never go down " ( 12.11, - 10.173.1) and "/'// lay down my life for my country, " (Ath. 12.1.62) because for a Hindu, "his or her nation is father, mother, son and everything " (Ath. 7.6.1). But now, particularly in post-independent era, the Hindus, in general, have neglected the above message of the Vedas and MAHABHARATA of giving utmost importance to nationalism, patriotism and capturing political power. The enemies of the Hindus know very well that if somehow the patriotic feelings of the Hindus are destroyed, then they will die by themselves. The Islamic and British marauders have been working ceaselessly in their own ways to destroy the patriotic fervor of the Hindus. Even today the anti-Hindu pseudo-secular forces are unceasingly working against the development of nationalism and a strong will for capturing political power by the nationalist Hindus. The forces of Pan Islamism and World Church are awfully engaged in destroying whatever bubbling enthusiasm and patriotism is left of it in Indians through their own theo-political organizations.

It is surprising that even after providing full protection to Christianity under minority status, the clerics, in general, emphasize on their religion rather on nationalism. The Christians say, "The Christian Church can make no terms with the idea expressed in the phrase 'My Country right or wrong, great as is the debt of service that a man owes to his fatherland, the claim of Christ remains supreme.' (Lambeth Conf. Rept. 193Op99). In the same tune, Bishop Ezaria said 'When we talk of Christianity, our first allegiance should be to our Master (Jesus Christ) and after wards to our motherland " (Ezaria of Dornacle p. 95). Hence the only aim of the World Church in India is to wipe out the Hindus nationalism in order to create a Christian state by destabilizing and vivisecting India.

Similarly the Indian Muslims want to convert India the Darul Harab (land of fighting) to Darul Islam (Land of Islam). In the name of right of Freedom of Religion under Article 25, the Muslims give more importance and preference to Muslim Personal Law than to the Indian Constitution. So by misinterpreting the Constitution, they are enjoying the benefits granted to minorities and are converting Hindus to Islam. Though conversion of Hindus to Christianity and Islam, is illegal, yet the political parties in power such as Congress, Janta Dal, CPM, CPI, SP etc. with an eye always on their vote bank are totally indifferent to their antinational activities; and thus are neglecting the national cause. The activities of these parties are not only against the interest of the Hindus, but also opposed to the dignity, integrity and sovereignty of India. Therefore, the Hindus should strive hard and acquire political power at any cost. They should re-conquer India for themselves, and make India a prosperous and supreme world power.

In some parts of India, like Kashmir, and states of N.E. Region, the Hindus are in minority where they are being insulted, humiliated and expelled as is the case of Hindu Pandits in Kashmir, and Reang Tribe in Mizoram where they have been asked to embrace Christianity or leave Mizoram (Panchjanya 21.97). This necessitates for them to survive first there, and live with honor and respect. For this, they must unite themselves and grow stronger and stronger. Simultaneously the Hindus of other regiors must univocally support them and agitate for their safety and welfare. The lasting solution of these problems is that Hindus must achieve central political power in their hands. I warn, if Hindus are not political minded today, they will not survive tomorrow. I am convinced that only by becoming strong political minded, strictly in the right sense, the Hindus can face the growing storm, win, survive, even rule the country and regain the lost glory. The present day Hindus need a wholesale change of mentality in their social, ritual, cultural and national view point. I do not appeal Hindus to be fanatic, fascist and superstitious, but they have to be strong and adopt such postures as to crush the impending challenges which is quite possible by a strong political will to rule the country by strong political mindedness. 0 Hindus! Bring a drastic change in your mentality, and develop strong resistance to hostiles attacks from outside by all constructive work within.

5. Hinduize the Politics and Consolidate a Strong Hindu Vote Bank

At present, India is the only land for living to the Hindus. It may appear to be imaginary to some dreamers, but it is a hard fact that if all-out efforts were not made right now, the Hindus will no more be seen in India too as it has already happened in Afghanistan and in recently created Pakistan from India, and is slowly happening in Bangladesh. Hence every Hindu will have to accord maximum primacy to the defense of India from lslamization by strengthening, uniting and energizing the patriotic feelings of the Hindus.

The great architect of modern India Sh. V.D. Savarkar gave a clarion call of 'Militerization of the Hindus and Hinduization of Politics as the only solution of the current problems. And following is the action plan.

Ia) In our democratic country, the protection of the political interest of the Hindus depends upon their total number and their combined political strength of nationalist members of the Parliament bearing always in mind the interest of the Hindus. The present constitution is anti-Hindu, and is oriented towards the appeasement of the minorities. And in due course, it will lead to the disintegration of the nation. The protection of the Hindu Dharma and culture rests in the protection of political interest of the Hindus. According to Mahabharat "The political duty of the people towards the state is greater than any other duty. " (Sarve Dharma Raj Dharma Pradhana). Therefore first of all every Hindu should help to consolidate a strong Hindu political force and a Hindu vote bank all over India by unifying themselves politically through sinking their preferences of his/her village, city, region, province, dialect, language, community and religious sect nation is first.

b) Every Hindu should definitely cast his/her vote during each and every democratic election whether it is of Municipality, State Assembly or Parliament in favour of a nationalist and a pro- Hindu candidate of good character.

c) Every Hindu including even a handicapped, the lame, the blind, the disabled and the patient who can walk must invariably cast his/her vote and use this political weapon, which is available normally once in five years, in the interest of the nation. Earlier the countries were won by swords, but now, in democracy, they are won by consolidated votes.

d) Be sure that your name is included in the voters list. Examine carefully your name and address, and get it corrected by concerned officer, if missing, so that you do not loose your political power of voting.

e) According to our constitution a two-third majority of MPs is required in order to enact the new law or modify the old ones. Therefore, make all possible efforts to select and elect more than two-third MPs who are dedicated to the Hindu interests; and do not allow to occupy the seats of political power to those who are prepared to sacrifice the national interest for their own selfish ends. Had the Hindu,,, voted slightly more pre-determinedly aiming to provide absolute majority for BJP, in a unified manner, in the 1996 elections, a stable and strong nationalist Government could have been formed at the center. Though being the largest single party, BJP did form the Government initially, but was forced to resign just within 13 days (16-P8 May 1996) due to lack of having majority as some political parties did not support BJP fearing of loosing Muslim votes in future elections. Therefore, the nationalist citizens should leave no stone unturned in providing two-third majority to pro-Hindu nationalist candidates in the coming elections in 1998, and any other in future.

f) The scholars of Hindu r6ligious scriptures, Dharmacharyas and religious preachers should lay special emphasis on taking active interest in politics as a part of religion in their religious discourses, and articles to news papers, magazines and other print and electronic media. More and more Hindu youths should take journalism as a career to project Hindu view point in relation to social, religious and political matters.

g) Participate actively in elections in order to maintain the noble form of democracy. Expose irregularities and assist Election Officers in nabbing fake voters.

h) Discourage independent candidates and also condemn and castigate professional defectors.

i) Every Hindu should watch carefully the goings on in their neighborhood, and complain to the government against those who are indulging in anti-national activities.

j) People only with valid identity cards and citizenship should be entitled to vote, not the non-Indian infiltrators as Bangladeshis.

k) Every Hindu should actively participate in the political goings on in the country. Be ready individually and collectively to take on the government or opposition group in the interest of the Hindus and encourage other Hindus for demonstration of collective strength.

l) All Hindus should work in unison, and prepare a vigilant and strong Hindu vote bank, by agitating and organizing themselves.

6. Amend Anti-Hindu Constitution

There are many Articles in our constitution which are not only anti- Hindu but are constantly harming national unity and integrity. Such articles be scrapped from the constitution. On the other hand, Article 51A on fundamental duties of each citizen, and directive principles of state policy viz Article 39A, 41,44 and 51 related to protection of unity and integrity of India, promotion of social harmony and humanism and abjuring violence, equality in law and justice, be implemented strictly.
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Some wonderful lines from Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri, from the chapter “The Adoration of the Divine Mother.”

She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The joy that beckons from the impossible,
The Might of all that never yet came down.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
And break the seals on the dim soul of man
And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.
All here shall be one day her sweetness’ home,
All contraries prepare her harmony;
Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes;
In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell,
Her clasp shall turn to ecstasy our pain.
Our self shall be one self with all through her.
In her confirmed because transformed in her,
Our life shall find in its fulfilled response
Above, the boundless hushed beatitudes,
Below, the wonder of the embrace divine.
This known as in a thunder-flash of God,
The rapture of things eternal filled his limbs;
Amazement fell upon his ravished sense;
His spirit was caught in her intolerant flame.
Once seen, his heart acknowledged only her.
Only a hunger of infinite bliss was left.
All aims in her were lost, then found in her;
His base was gathered to one pointing spire.

A translation:
ఆమె ఓ బంగరు వంతెన, ఓ అద్భుత జ్వాల.
అజ్ఞాతుడి విరాజమాన హృదయం ఆమె,
భగవంతుడి లోతుల్లో నిశ్చలత్వపు ప్రాబల్యం.
ఆమె శక్తి, ఆమె అమోఘ వాక్కు,
మన దుస్తర ఆరోహణకు ఆకర్షిణి,
మన సూర్యులకి మూలతేజమైన భానుమూర్తి,
అవ్యక్త బృహత్తుల నుండి తారాడే తేజం,
అసంభవం నుండి ఆహ్వానించే ఆనందం,
మునుపెన్నడూ దిగిరాని గరిమ.
సమస్త ప్రకృతీ ఆమె కోసమే మూగగా పరితపిస్తుంది
ఆమె పదస్పర్శ బాధామయ జీవన స్పందనను నయం చేస్తుందని
అవిజ్ఞమైన మానవాత్మను బంధించే సంకెళ్లు తెంచుతుందని
మూతబడ్డ అంతరాళాలలో దాగిన ఆమె అగ్గిని రాజేస్తుందని.
ఇదంతా ఏదో ఒకనాడు ఆమె తియ్యదనానికి నెలవు కావాలి,
వైరుధ్యాలన్నీ ఆమె సామరస్యానికి సన్నాహం కావాలి;
ఆమె దిశగా మన జ్ఞానం ఆరోహిస్తుంది, మన తపన తడబడుతుంది;
ఆమె అద్భుత హర్షంలో మనం వసించాలి,
ఆమె స్పర్శలో మన వేదన హ్లాదంగా మారాలి.
ఆమె ద్వార మన ఆత్మ విశ్వాత్మతో ఏకం కావాలి.
ఆమెలో ధృవమై పరివర్తనమొందాలి జీవనం.
సఫలీకృతమైన మన జీవన ప్రతిస్పందన
పైన నీరవ నిరవధిక నిత్యానందాన్ని
కింద అద్భుత భగవదాలింగనాన్ని ఆవిష్కరిస్తుంది.
భగవంతుడి తటిల్లతా విన్యాసంలా తెలిసిందా సత్యం,
సనాతన విషయాల ఆహ్లాదం అతడి అంగాలని పూరించింది;
ఉక్కిరిబిక్కిరైన అతడి సంవేదనలని సంభ్రమం ఆవరించింది;
ఆమె అసహిష్ణు జ్వాలలో అతడి ఆత్మ బందీ అయ్యింది.
ఒకసారి చూశాక అతడి హృదయం ఆమెను మాత్రమే గుర్తించింది.
ఇక అనంతాహ్లాదపు ఆకలి మాత్రమే మిగిలింది.
శోధనలన్నీ ఆమెలో విలీనమై, తిరిగి ఆవిష్కృతం అయ్యాయి,
అతడి ఆధారం ఓ ఏకాగ్ర శిఖరంగా కేంద్రీకృతమయ్యింది.
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Our baby girl name: Savitri Hiranmayi (సావిత్రి హిరణ్మయి).
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Who designed the Param Vir Chakra medal, India’s highest military award ?
(A) Nek Chand
(B) Umesh Rao
(C) Bobby Kooka
(D) Savitri Khanolkar
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i was treated badly by men when i was a kid... i am a girl.. 22years... i was harassesd for the first time when i was 8 years old.. in the lift..then my cousin.. he used to ill treat me.. force me to smootch him.. when i was 12 i had a tuition sir he used to touch me on my private parts i got angry with him and i poured oil on the floor to push him down and since dat day he hasnt come.. i kicked him on his private part too.. cuz i was too angry...i hate guyz evn now..
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Confession #8332 (SE)

i am 20 girl, yar mera boy frnd mujhse 3 4 din se bohut gussa hain mujhe samaj nai aata main kya karun use kuch bolo to chid jata hai, yar vo muje hamesha kuch na kuch gift deta rahta hai jb use samjhao to chidd jata hain yar abi 3 4 din pahle hi isi baat ko lekar hamari ladai hogai mene use itna hi kaha ki ye gift mat laya karo muje bikul nai pasand paiso ki barbaadi hain ye sb aur yar in sbse acha hain ki tm apne paiso ko apne future k liye invest karo bs phr kya vo chid gaya ladne lag gaya aur phr usne baat karna h bnd kar diya kya karun main meri samaj nai aata
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reply to post 742..........

"sexy aur hot ladkiya" vo b rkgit me haha kyu mazak kar rahi ho yr....aur bolti ho humare paas paise nai bt madam tmhare cellphone k recharge ka kharcha hum hi se chalta hai ....tum log kitni paisewali ho iska pata aaspas k restaurants me chal jata hai...jaha ek plate me 3-4 ladkiya ghus ghus k khati ho...aur tmlog b koi sati savitri nai paida hui ho jaha handsome ladka dekha nai mu marne lagti ho just fug off!!!
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Are you loving this show?

a. Yes
b. No
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If you cannot respect women, you cannot respect anyone else.......they are the finest creation of the GOD....they have the powers, an ordinary man cannot have.
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Aside from our funtastic winners we would love to shout out our other bonafide members Savitri Ramoutar,Christine Rambarran, Nades St B, Kizzel Stowe, Samantha Roopnarine, Saleeka Mohammed and Usha Ramdeen. Truly FUNTASTIC teachers.
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Soul's poetry of the journey to consciousness
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Deep Love kya savitri k bad kisi patni ne is kaliyug me apne pati k liye kav aisa kiya hai mai to ek aisi aurat ko janta hun jo apne pati aur usk parivar ko hi nagin ki tarah das rahi hai jab ki sasural vale use sirf pyar hi dete hain.
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Hello frnds! Those who r recently married within last 5 yrs, i m requesting to write a post describing how u all observe the sacred festival of Savitri on this year.
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When i came across the Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Hydro-Gel Mask, i got a little freaked out because of the word “snail” in the title, but i was mostly really excited for the moisturizer that was about to revamp my skin.
While it’s on, the mask is soothing and cooling, and once it’s off your skin feels like new. Seriously – when you wake up in the morning, your skin is glowing.

U.Must.Try.It...!! Recomended..!!
cc Missha Erna Chen Andi Erna Renny Savitri Dara Sylvarian Heru Syahputra Ike Yuliami Setiawan Arnie Manurung Novalinda Prameswara Nurlaela Agustiny
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“While living, apparently, as “modern” men and women, — using electric fans and electric irons, telephones and trains, and aeroplanes, when they can afford it, — they nourish in their hearts a deep contempt for the childish conceit and bloated hopes of our age, and for the various recipes for “saving, mankind,” which zealous philosophers and politicians thrust into circulation. They know that nothing can “save mankind,” for mankind is reaching the end of its present cycle. The wave that carried it, for so many millenniums, is about to break, with all the fury of acquired speed, and to merge once more into the depth of the unchanging Ocean of undifferentiated existence.”

- Savitri Devi
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Over the years, the Savitri Trust has worked with some amazing photographers and filmmakers. In 2009 and 2010 photographer Sophie Gerrard joined us at the Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital in Bihar, and also at the Savitri Rural Development Programme in Nashik, Maharashtra. View her beautiful documentation of these projects in our website photo galleries here:

To see more of Sophie's work please visit her website:
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mandir main bol
raha tha...
Hey Bhagwan....
Teri Kirpa
Teri Daya
Teri Shradha
Teri Aradhna
Teri Bhakti
Teri Archna
Teri Pooja
Teri Aarti
Teri Maya
Teri Geeta
Teri Vidhya
Teri Riddhi
Teri Siddhi
Teri Laxmi
Teri Karuna
Teri Meher
Teri Leela
Teri Mahima...
. ..
Meri ek bhi nai??
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please vote us.. klik link and LIKE thanks :)
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"For Year 8 Blue Knights, (Ayu Savitri, Joseline Novia, Moktikanana Widya Nindyta, Varielltertia Theresa, Christian Christopher Wibowo, Abby Lim & Vincent Tandikaputra) High Class Performance! Classical combined with New Age, You all has put The Blue Knights into new different level! Well done!"

We Found Love by Rihanna feat Calvin Harris
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When Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian Cinema, released his epochal feature film Raja Harishchandra on 3rd May 1913, it is unlikely that either the exhibitors or the pioneer film maker realized they were unleashing a mass entertainment medium that would hold millions in sway for the next hundred years. The French might have introduced the concept of moving images, but little did anyone know that India would one day become the largest film industry in the world. It's a miracle that Indian cinema has withstood the test of time despite the vast cultural differences in the past 100 years.

Indian cinema has an identity that is very unique and unmatched. We have moved from the black and white silent films to 3D, but our cinema continues to retain its basic essence - to thrill. Even as internet downloads and television continue to cannibalize the theatrical revenues of Indian films, the lure of the 35 mm is something else altogether. It was Phalke who introduced India to world cinema at a time when working in films was taboo. After the success of his film 'Raja Harishchandra', several filmmakers in Bombay and Madras began making silent films. By the mid 1920s, Madras had become the epicentre for all film related activities. Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu, SS Vasan, AV Meiyappan set up production houses in Madras to shoot Telugu and Tamil films.
The silent era came to an end when Ardeshir Irani produced his first talkie, 'Alam Ara' in 1931. If Phalke was the father of Indian cinema, Irani was the father of the talkie. The talkies changed the face of Indian cinema. Apart from looks, the actors not only needed a commanding voice but also singing skills, as music became a defining element in Indian cinema. The year also marked the beginning of the Talkie era in South Indian films. The first talkie films in Bengali (Jumai Shasthi), Telugu (Bhakta Prahlad) and Tamil (Kalidass) were released in the same year.
The forties was a tumultuous decade; the first half was ravaged by war and the second saw drastic political changes all over the world. In the middle of the Second World War in 1945 came 'Kismet' starring Ashok Kumar which became one of the biggest hits in the history of Indian cinema. It had some bold themes - the first anti-hero and an unmarried pregnancy. It clearly showed that the filmmakers of the era were bolder than the times in which they were living in. A close relationship between epic consciousness and the art of cinema was established. It was against this backdrop that filmmakers like V.Shantaram, Bimal Roy, Raj Kapoor and Mehboob Khan made their films. In the meantime, the film industry had made rapid strides in the South, where Tamil, Telugu and Kannada films were taking South India by storm. By the late 1940s, films were being made in various Indian languages with religion being the dominant theme. 1940s to late 1950s was also the golden era of music. Shankar Jaikishan, O.P. Nayyar, Madan Mohan, C. Ramchandra, Salil Chaudhury, Naushad, S.D. Burman - all had their distinctive style. Each vied with the other to produce some of the most unforgettable melodies India has ever known.
50s and 60s were considered as the Golden Age of Indian cinema. Filmmakers like Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, Guru Dutt, Bimal Roy, Mehboob Khan, K Asif, Raj Kapoor, KV Reddy, L V Prasad and Ramu Kariat made waves in their respective film industries and they went on to make classics like Pather Panchali, Madhumati, Do Bheega Zameen, Shree 420, Awaara, Pyasa, Mother India, Mughal E Azam, Mayabazar and Chemmeen among many other films. In the south, N.T. Rama Rao, M. G. Ramachandran, Sivaji Ganesan, Rajkumar, Prem Nazir dominated the film industry for more than three decades before making way for the next generation of actors like Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Mammootty, Mohanlal, Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna.
The 70s completely changed the way films were made, especially in Hindi film industry. Changing social norms and changing economies influenced movies and the companies that made them. The narrative style changed. The story structure changed. Characters changed. Content changed. Masala films were the demand of the time. The genre promised instant attraction and had great entertainment value. It was the age of the angry young man and Amitabh Bachchan rose to prominence thanks to the success of Sholay, Zanjeer and Deewar. While Dev Anand, Rajesh Khanna, Jitendra and Dharmendra continued to bask in the glory of back to back hits, the actresses were not far behind. Right from the time of Savitri, Vyjayanthi Mala, Nargis, Waheeda Rahman and Sharmila Tagore to Sridevi, Rekha, Smita Patil, Hema Malini, several actresses became heartthrobs of the nation.
While Indian commercial cinema enjoyed popularity among movie-goers, Indian art cinema did not go unnoticed. Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Ritwik Ghatak, Aravindan, Satyajit Ray, Shyam Benegal, Shaji Karun and several other art film directors were making movies that gave India international fame and glory.
The eighties saw the advent of women film makers such as Vijaya Mehta ('Rao Saheb'), Aparna Sen ('36- Chouwringhee Lane', 'Parama'), Sai Pranjpye ('Chashme Baddoor', 'Katha', 'Sparsh'), Kalpana Lajimi ('Ek Pal'), Prema Karanth ('Phaniamma') and Meera Nair ('Salaam Bombay'). It was also the decade when sultry siren Rekha wooed audiences with her stunning performance in 'Umrao Jaan' in 1981.
And then in 90's, it was a mixed genre of romantic, thrillers, action and comedy films. A stark upgrade can be seen on the canvas as technology gifted the industry Dolby digital sound effects, advanced special effects, choreography and international appeal. The development brought about investments from the corporate sector along with finer scripts and performances. It was time to shift focus to aesthetic appeal. And stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Rajnikanth, Madhuri Dixit, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Chiranjeevi, Juhi Chawla and Hrithik Roshan began to explore ways to use new techniques to enrich Indian cinema with their performances.
In recent years, Hindi cinema has undergone a massive change due to the emergence of new age filmmakers like Anurag Kashyap, Rajkumar Hirani, Dibakar Banerjee and Vishal Bhardwaj. Of late, Tamil and Marathi cinema has witnessed similar changes with several new filmmakers coming forth to cater to a niche audience.
As the world has become a global village, the Indian film industry has reached out further to international audiences. Apart from regular screenings at major international film festivals, the overseas market contributes a sizeable chunk to Bollywood's box office collections. Regular foreign Investments made by major global studios such as 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, and Warner Bros put a stamp of confirmation that Bollywood has etched itself on the global podium.
To celebrate 100 years of cinema in India, the Government of India, in cooperation with the film industry, has proposed to line up a host of activities between May 3, 2012 and May 3, 2013. It has also proposed to present a tableau of 100 years of Indian Cinema at the Republic Day parade next year. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has also instituted a centenary award which will be given to a path- breaking film every year at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. The first centenary award would be given at the IFFI 2012 which will be held in Goa in November this year.
Indian cinema, despite all its peculiarities, has been a reflection of the socio-economic, political and cultural changes that took place in the country. Here's hoping that Indian movies continue to entertain us the way they've been doing since 10 decades.
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"For Year 8 Green House, (Alvin Nugroho, Felicia Levina & Gloria Regenatta) good choice of song. Next time, sing it deeply & be more confident!"

Breakeven by The Script
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Looking for a sati savtiri girl
For long relatn
Rani bagh mai hai koi
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Check out who views your profile - Dimas Rombeng Ipunkk Julyano Yoga James Sullivan Ristika Savitri II Ilma Hanifah Eureka Cindy Pratiwi
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hahahaha lol Macho Sarmad Mudassir Ali Rauf Khan Muhammad Ibrahim Mauziz Muhammad Ghuffran Khan Faizan Munir hahaha lol
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Yayasan Laksita Mardhawa >>> Tempat Hang Out di Sabtu Siang yang Sangat Asik!!! :)
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When hundreds of women at Aluanja village under Ichak went to perform Bat Savitri puja on Saturday, they had little idea about the 'sting' operation. But this time there were no hidden cameras. Instead, some hidden beehives were enough to drive away hundreds of villagers from near the banyan tree. On Saturday evening, the women of Aluanja village went to a nearby banyan tree for Bat Savitri, where they had to tie threads on the branches and pray for their husbands' long life. But as soon as the women lit the incenses, thousands of bees attacked them. Over 100 devotees are in serious condition. According to onlookers, the smoke and smell of the incenses might have disturbed the bees. This sudden attack created a pandemonium and worshippers ran to hide from the attack. Among those seriously injured, the priest of the temple was also there. Many injured persons also fainted because of the pain. All of them were admitted to the nearby block hospital. Leena Priya, BDO-Ichak, on getting the information about the incident rushed to the village to assess the situation.
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Recently I have been to Orissa and happens to see the euphoria and the delude of advert done by Companies on occasion of Savitri Brata (which was observed on 8th June) .During this forced shopping spree by Family members in the main market area of Bhubaneswar . one thing struck me whether in this noise of Svaitri Festivities have we really try to understand the message that is being passed onto us through centuries via this parable /stories of Stayavan and Savitri or are we missing something . A bit of searching through Net and books I have developed a bit of interesting insights into this and would love to share it
The story of Satyavan & Savitri was told in the Shanti Parva of The Mahabharat ,where in Savitri the daughter of Aswapati, King of Madra chooses to marry Satyavan despite knowing very well that Satyavan will die in a year time. And marrying Satyavan she has to relinquish her royal privileges and finally Savitri the pious,pure lady could snatch Satyavan from the clutch of death and lived happily along with Satyavan and her inlaws Dyumatsena. This is the story that all of us have heard about
Taking moment of pause here and we will try to understand what short of these names that have been characterise in this age old story. Is it by chance that names and these Characters have been depicted or some thing more is there .Did our ancestors are trying to tell something in the guise of Story .
Aswapati ,the king of Madra has no child and worshipping Savitr ( The Sun God) he was blessed with a daughter whom she named Savitri in honour of the Sun God , i added for the feminine nature . Aswa in Sanskrit is the othername for Senses ( Indriyas) and who is the Pati( master ) of them is called Aswapati meaning THE MIND . Mind controls all our senses. And mind is ruling over the Kingdom of Madra ( Ma-Sense of Knowledge,Da-Sense of Sacrifice and ra –sense of Action) .And Savitri who is the daughter of Aswapati is the knowledge which was generated from Mind. And the knowledge should leave the house of mental limitation to find her suitable match .And her match will be Satyavan ( Sat + Vat) i.e who personifies buddhi ( sat, nearest word will be Wisdom )and is son of Dyumatsena ( Blind king of Salwa who has been driven away by his nemesis into deep forest and residing with his wife and Satyavan. ).Dyumatsena meaning literally the “with Excellent Army” is blind ,which symbolises only more excellent brute forces can not ensure kingdom ( wealth,luxury) he will be driven to forest for going through phases of sacrifice ,withdrawing from external flash bulbs and need to create ,nurture Buddhi .And meanwhile knowledge has to wed with budhii so that thay can create a new world where in all past miseries will be overcome. But to reach that elderado Budhhi will be snatched temporarily by the hand of Rule ( Yama the king of Death represents Niyama) who will be rescued by the knowledge who has already mingled with wisdom .
Now we will draw a parallel in our daily family/corporate life, Knowledge will be bestowed on those who can control their senses ( control does not mean suppressing ) and only knowledge can not find solution to all remedies it has to wed to Wisdom ( knowledge + Experience) who can challenge the rule ( which seems very sacrosanct and inevitable) .And new world is born when deep entrenched laws are challenged and overruled.
In the mean while , enjoy the festivities and sweets/fruits ( mainly jackfruit & mangoes)of Savitri festivities .
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Biological Hazard in India on Monday
When hundreds of women at Aluanja village under Ichak went to perform Bat Savitri puja on Saturday, they had little idea about the 'sting' operation.
But this time there were no hidden cameras. Instead, some hidden beehives were enough to drive away hundreds of villagers from near the banyan tree.
On Saturday evening, the women of Aluanja village went to a nearby banyan tree for Bat Savitri, where they had to tie threads on the branches and pray for their husbands' long life.
But as soon as the women lit the incenses, thousands of bees attacked them. Over 100 devotees are in serious condition. According to onlookers, the smoke and smell of the incenses might have disturbed the bees. This sudden attack created a pandemonium and worshippers ran to hide from the attack. Among those seriously injured, the priest of the temple was also there. Many injured persons also fainted because of the pain. All of them were admitted to the nearby block hospital. Leena Priya, BDO-Ichak, on getting the information about the incident rushed to the village to assess the situation.
Biohazard name: Bees attack
Biohazard level: 0/4 ---
Biohazard desc.: This does not included biological hazard category.
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congratss bro Amey V Chavan for winning prize at Maharashtra state award for the documentory SAVITRI' !!!
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- Biological Hazard - India

Area: India, State of Jharkhand, , Aluanja village


When hundreds of women at Aluanja village under Ichak went to perform Bat Savitri puja on Saturday, they had little idea about the 'sting' operation. But this time there were no hidden cameras. Instead, some hidden beehives were enough to drive away hundreds of villagers from near the banyan tree. On Saturday evening, the women of Aluanja village went to a nearby banyan tree for Bat Savitri, where they had to tie threads on the branches and pray for their husbands' long life. But as soon as the women lit the incenses, thousands of bees attacked them. Over 100 devotees are in serious condition. According to onlookers, the smoke and smell of the incenses might have disturbed the bees. This sudden attack created a pandemonium and worshippers ran to hide from the attack. Among those seriously injured, the priest of the temple was also there. Many injured persons also fainted because of the pain. All of them were admitted to the nearby block hospital. Leena Priya, BDO-Ichak, on getting
the information about the incident rushed to the village to assess the situation.
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Kerala man walks 40 km through forest in rains carrying pregnant wife on his shoulders to get her to a hospital, but fails to save baby reports Hindu news paper.
Probably this is close to the Savitri episode which Malini Kalyanam had said in her post once !
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I wish no more Jiah Khan in this world who gave your life for useless guy... :(
Here is the text from actress Jiah Khan's suicide letter allegedly addressed to Suraj Pancholi. This letter was shared to the media by Jiah's mother through their publicists.

"I don't know how to say this to you but I might as well now as I have nothing to lose. I've already lost everything. If you're reading this I might have already left or about to leave. I am broken inside. You may not have known this but you affected me deeply to a point where I lost myself in loving you. Yet you tortured me everyday. These days I see no light I wake up not wanting to wake up. There was a time I saw my life with you, a future with you. But you shattered my dreams. I feel dead inside. I've never given so much of myself to someone or cared so much. You returned my love with cheating and lies. It didn't matter how many gifts I gave you or how beautiful I looked for you. I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave myself completely the pain you have caused me everyday has destroyed every bit of me, destroyed my soul. I can't eat or sleep or think or function. I am running away from everything. The career is not even worth it anymore.

When I first met you I was driven, ambitious and disciplined. Then I fell for you, a love I thought would bring out the best in me. I don't know why destiny brought us together. After all the pain, the rape, the abuse, the torture I have seen previously I didn't deserve this. I didn't see any love or commitment from you. I just became increasingly scared that you would hurt me mentally or physically. Your life was about partying and women. Mine was you and my work. If I stay here I will crave you and miss you. So I am kissing my 10-year career and dreams goodbye. I never told you but I received a message about you. About you cheating on me. I chose to ignore it, decided to trust you. You embarrassed me. I never went out, I never went with anyone else. I am a loyal person. I never met anyone with Karthik I just wanted you to feel how you make me feel constantly. No other woman will give you as much as I did or love you as much as I did. I can write that in my blood. Things were looking up for me here, but is it worth it when you constantly feel the pain of heartbreak when the person you love wants to abuse you or threatens to hit you or cheats on you telling other girls they are beautiful or throws you out of their house when you have no where to go and you've come to them out of love or when they lie to your face or they make you chase after them in their car. Or disrespects their family. You never even met my sister. I bought your sister presents. You tore my soul. I have no reason to breathe anymore. All I wanted was love. I did everything for you. I was working for us. But you were never my partner. My future is destroyed my happiness snatched away from me. I always wished the best for you, was ready to invest what little money I had in your betterment. You never appreciated my love, Kicked me in the face. I have no confidence or self esteem left, whatever talent whatever ambition you took it all away. You destroyed my life. It hurt me so much that I waited for you for ten days and you didn't bother buying me something.

The Goa trip was my birthday present but even after you cheated I still spent on you. I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply. You destroyed my Christmas and my birthday dinner when I came back. When I tried my hardest to make your birthday special. You chose to be away from me on Valentines Day. You promised me once we made it to one year we would get engaged. All you want in life is partying, your women and your selfish motives. All I wanted was you and my happiness you took both away from me. I spent money on you selflessly you would throw in my face. When I would cry for you. I have nothing left in this world to live for after this. I wish you had loved me like I loved you. I dreamt of our future. I dreamt of our success. I leave this place with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. All I want now is to go to sleep and never wake up again. I am nothing. I had everything. I felt so alone even while with you. You made me feel alone and vulnerable. I am so much more than this."
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28AE8168 _ 22B31385
Format sms : Nama + Alamat + No HP + Kode barang + BRI/BCA/MANDIRI
Sms 08563499433 - 085735999008 : follow IG: glojishop
Reisei Saxton Endou Sachiyo Sacharissa Purwo Betary Savira Savira Miranda Regina Pinkan Savitri Putra Prasetyaningrum Savira Aisyah Diiyaan Savitrii Part II Savoirshop Alphonsa Tmedia Saving
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जियाच्या पत्राने सूरज लटकणार?
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Jiah Khan's suicide note is proof enuf that her MOTHER shud be arrested for her death NOT her BOYFRIEND. The girl was raped n abused ...but no police case was filed, the girl attempted suicide few months ago...but she wasnt given therapy, the girl aborted a kid...but she wasnt given counselling. The Mother shud have handled her Psycho loose charactered daughter better. I hope they dont ruin the boys life cos of some psycho chic. She was not some satti savitri who was wronged...she was a chaloo chic who cudnt handled being rejected. Just cos she died doesnt make her a decent n nice i hope the world stops condemning the boy n sees reality as it is.
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Whom does the gayatri mantra in the
rig veda address?
a. Indra
b. Agni
c. Savitri
d. Ushas
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